Tag Archives: lyrica withdrawal

Lyrica withdrawal symptoms

Introduction to Lyrica: Lyrica is the trade name for the medicine Pregabalin which is marketed by Pfizer. It was approved for medicinal use by the European Union and Food and Drug Administration, USA in the year 2004. The major diseases that can be treated with this medicine include epilepsy and chronic pain in various diseases. This medicine has been in the center of few controversies. It was in the news in 2009 because of reports of promotion by its marketer, Pfizer by making such claims which were later found to be false. Further, there are concerns regarding Lyrica Withdrawal Symptoms.


Reason behind Lyrica Withdrawal Symptoms: In order to understand the reason of Lyrica Withdrawal Symptoms, we need to understand the various reasons why this medicine is recommended to the patients. Though it is quite useful in treatment of various forms of neuropathic pain, seizures and fibromyalgia, caution must be administered in its use because of the severe side effects that might set in the individual who has been given an overdose of this medicine.


Uses of Lyrica: A number of medical conditions can be treated with the help of Lyrica. Neuropathic pain or the pain in various nerves, which results due to diabetic neuropathy can be controlled with it. However, scientists are divided over the use of Lyrica in treatment all forms of this form of pain. It is also useful in the treatment of partial seizures in adults. This treatment is known as adjunctive therapy.

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